FORMALEX -- "Format Lexfile". Adds CENTER$, CESURE, FORMAT$, REDUCE$, and SPACE$ to BASIC. Size: 454 bytes. CENTER$ centers any string in a longer string of spaces of specified length. CESURE tells where to break a string for printing purposes, performing automatic word-wrapping and avoiding lines beginning with spaces or punctuation. FORMAT$ "right justifies" text to any specified length by inserting spaces between words. REDUCE$ removes any leading or trailing spaces, as well as "extra" spaces between words. SPACE$ returns a string of spaces of any specified length. These functions are the core of word processing. They can also be found in JPCLEX and the JPCROM. *** FORMALEX *** (31898) File Header (31A3F) E1/22 CENTER$($,#) (31B90) E1/23 CESURE($,#) (31AB9) E1/24 FORMAT$($,#) (31A12) E1/25 REDUCE$($) (319D4) E1/26 SPACE$(#) (31C48) Next File Header